Monday, September 08, 2008


Oh man, is this one apt, after all the different conversations of the weekend.

Sometimes it proves the highest understanding not to understand.- Gracian

Life rolls like a ribbon.

Every thing is just great. (teeth gritted.)

NO no no, nothing like that.

Just heavy.

Loving all my peeps, and peers especially - marveling at the sheer volume of intense humanity waving over us all right now. The seas are choppy, and a few have thrown up over the side of the boat, but all are safe, all will recover.

(WHAT. am I talking about?!)

I'll close with Maggie's favorite song, sung as she sings it.

The sun'll come out,
So ya gotta hang on till tomorrow -

And at last!

I love ya
You're only a day away...

1 comment:

Katie said...

WTF? This entry was rather oblique. Will you elaborate, either on-air or in private?