Friday, February 23, 2007

HRH Puppet Master

This afternoon I whipped up some puppets for Maggie to use when she plays with her puppet theatre. I had some paper dolls of the Royal Family from back when our friend Jon turned 40 an we used them as decorations, with his face where the Queen Mum was supposed to be. Was a very funny and effective little twist for his birthday party. I'll try to find one and then post a picture of it later.

Anyway. I cut out a bunch of the royal family, a few of their outfits, and then hot glued them onto chopsticks. The tabs on the outfits are too tricky for Maggie to manage successfully, so I put a little Vel- dot on the chest of each doll and it's corresponding -Cro dot onto the outfit, and now she can manage just fine. Although since I finished the dang things, she's not interested in playing with 'em. Go figure.

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