James and Jeff play together
and also this one:
What you do for yourself-any gesture of kindness, any gesture of gentleness, any gesture of honesty and clear seeing toward yourself-will affect how you experience your world. In fact, it will transform how you experience the world. What you do for yourself, you're doing for others, and what you do for others, you're doing for yourself. - Pema Chodro
and also this one:
Posted by
2:19 PM
Labels: Videos
This morning I was outside with James and saw a couple of little birds hopping around in the bushes in front of the house. One of them was carrying a tuft of soft white dog hair, and he was so thrilled, you could tell. Then he would spy another tuft over there, and a extra nice bit right here, and there! and there! It was like he was at homegoods and they had everything in his color plus it was on clearance, and he had a giftcard!
Posted by
8:55 AM
These two girls know who's the man...
Posted by
2:19 PM
Posted by
12:05 PM
(I gave him his first haircut - not my finest work. But look at that face!)
Posted by
8:33 AM
Look at that - a perfect triangle!
Jame's ears are large, but they aren't the standy-uppy kind like Kermit. Good effort, tho.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Hi y'all -
That picture below is my nephew Chris, who, along with my nephew Brandon and my sister Dian, were out here visiting from Seattle for a few days. We did a lot of actual sightseeing this trip, beings how Chris and Brandon hadn't been out here yet. We went to Boston and Cambridge, they took a day trip to Portsmouth, up to Concord and right outside our back door, too!
What a couple of wonderful young men we are talking about here, it was really terrific to have them. And Dian, too! She baked us cookies two days in a row, plus a pineapple upside down cake! And dinner! Thanks, Di! Keep up the good work!
I am the master Wii Play Shoot-Out Champion. Undefeated.
Over the weekend, my glasses broke. So Dian and I spent all day Monday at the mall getting new eyeglasses for me. And then Jeff went back to work on Tuesday to hear tales of coworkers spending $8 for eyeglasses they ordered over the internets. And of eyeglasses broken in the same spot as where mine broke, being successfully superglued back together, for pennies on the dollar. Pennies on the dollar! More like 1/12th of a penny on the dollar, given my grandtotal from Lenscrafters.
Curse you, Lenscrafters! We hate you so much!!!
Posted by
9:10 AM
The dust has finally settled on the new puppy's name, and it is.... drum roll please... wait for it, wait for it!!!!
As in, "Hey, James..."
James is settling in just fine, and our adventure over to Pennsylvania went very smoothly. Henry and I didn't get home until nearly 10pm, but there was no whining or complaining by anybody (man nor beast) about the long car ride. We plopped James in between us in the front seat and he pretty much slept there non stop for the entire ride. No going #1 or even #2 the several times we stopped to let him try. He almost went into a state of suspended animation for the whole ride, not a peep or a drop out of him. When we finally got home, he ate and drank (see my earlier blog post) and then passed out.
What a cutie this guy is. Very calm and mellow so far. But inquisitive too. You can tell that the world is big and he is smart and it's just a matter of time until he soaks up enough know-how to really cause trouble. he watches and sniffs and enjoys chasing the kids as they run through the house. It's going to be interesting, because when the kids were old enough to play with dogs, rudy and kermit were too old to play with kids. now the mix is right. kids and puppies and play, well, they go together like bread and butter!
Posted by
4:27 PM
So this is the sweet little babyface Henry and I are traveling to pick up tomorrow morning!!!! We are flying to Philadelphia and renting a car. Then we're driving an hour and a half west of the city to Denver, PA where our newest member of the family will be waiting!
Jimmy Carter is about 12 weeks old, Bichon Frise, and one lucky pup!
After we pick him up, we are driving back to New Hampshire, dropping the rental car at the airport and finally heading home. It will be a long day, but quite an adventure, I'm sure.
Posted by
8:31 AM