Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who does her think her is...

Making you wait -- making you SUFFER! making you (gasp) go. with. out.

The nerve!

The stones! The gravitas!

(the jet lag.)

whoo boy is that jet leg an ass kicker, yowzer. We got home from Seattle Saturday morning, but my whole clock (and maggie's too) got all out of whack. When I look back on Saturday and Sunday, I remember feeling like I just had to go to sleep. Had to.

Monday morning was no picnic either. Maggie was equally disinterested in getting out of bed and going off to start her day, and I had left her in the van while dropping her things off at day care. (Her tears and fussing all the way down our hill, plus her screaming and pulling away from me when I tried to get her out of the car told me I would need to carry her in. No fun.) While dropping off her lunch downstairs I ended up stubbing my toe really badly and began to cry immediately. So both Maggie and I were bawling at drop off on Monday and I remained on the verge of tears pretty much all day that day.

Tuesday was better, and Wednesday was even smoother, so we are on our way. When I picked up Maggie yesterday she was laughing and laughing with two of her girlfriends, which was fun to see. I think the thing that kicked the jetlag for me was being forced to stay awake that Monday. I just had to stay awake. Had to. Not being able to give in to my internal body clock helped me over the hump and now it feels like 2:20pm, eastern standard time.

I hope it is not too hot this weekend in New Hampshire because my house is a nasty pit of clutter and confusion and it brings me down to be there. I would enjoy having time and desire to clean it up and will require my fellow housemates help out. Especially I'd like to get our bedrooms clean, plus the bathrooms. NASTY!

I have pictures and stories and videos from our wonderful trip to Seattle, but must return to that which I am paid to contemplate during this time of my day. More later. I have also taken a dear loyal readers offer to heart and as soon as she gets me the text, we will have our first guest blogger post! I can't wait either.

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