Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday night
Jeff made it so we have speakers out on the porch that you can send music to. Right now he is down in his office, sending strange animal sounds out into the night. Earlier it was elephants appearing to trumpet through the woods, and a monkey of some kind, too. Hilarious, cutter.
I have come to the conclusion that, if you want something, you must strive towards it. You must break it down into manageable steps and take one bite of the whale at a time. The latest whale? Home Improvement.
This week we set in motion two or three different projects. Seeking estimates, taking bids. The two items I am taking the lead on are reupholstering the couch and getting a quote on tearing up the carpet/lino on our main floor and putting in a slate like vinyl tile (kitchen and entry way) and wood floors (ash, stained in 'Butterscotch") for the remainder. You just can't know if you want to do something until you know what's involved, and so we are seeing what's involved.
The place we are dealing with for the floors, the owner of the business, came by the house on Friday to take measurements. We have no idea really what to expect for a price, except that it will be in the several thousands of dollars. Sure would be beautiful though, and talk about worthwhile!
Trouble is, when you get a price for one thing, you can't help but be curious to know what else is there that could be done to one's home for the same amount of money? And nevermind that, what else ought to be done before tackling something that could be described as cosmetic? Our upstairs bathroom, for example.
But then, when you think about fixing our bathroom, you can't help but be curious to know what else that could be done to that space, if you only wanted to do it once? For example, for the price of new flooring on the main floor, could one remodel the bathroom upstairs to incorporate additional features?
- a walk-in shower?

- bringing a stackable, front load washer/dryer that can live upstairs?
- moving walls and whatnot to create a large scale storage solution for clothes and linens and things?
- what about a bigger window or even a sunlight?
- for that matter, while you're up there, how about one of those light tubes for the upstairs hallway?
- and on and on and on.
As for recovering the sofa, that's another matter. For my couch, I'd need 20 yards of fabric, and the quote I got was $950 for labor! The fabric swatches I've been looking at range from 24.95 per yard to 34.95 per yard. And then, when you you think about recovering the sofa, you can't help but be curious to know what else that could be done with that money, if you were going to spend it on a place to sit in the living room anyway?
As for me, I kind of hate the idea of spending at least as much on recovering as I did for the couch in the first place. Maybe if I got a price on buying the same sofa today vs. 12 years ago, that might make the cost of recovering this one more palatable. Because I do love that sofa, I just hate how tattered and nasty it's become. I am pretty sure I wouldn't want any other sofa, as far as size/shape/comfort level goes. Although it is quite large and deep and so unless you are a giant with very long legs (Jeff) you are having to get up on it and settle in to it like it's a giant birds nest. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Grr! Jeff is still at it with the sounds! I get that it's a clever thing to do and that it's maybe even sort of fun. But my deal is, I'm out on my porch, trying to enjoy the quiet night sounds of a late summer evening. I don't really care to listen to wet farts and neighing horses and people shitting near a microphone. I really don't!
Now he's got bees buzzing. Boy, this guy is really thinking he's got something clever going on down there. At least Maggie has discovered him and hanging out with him (as opposed to me).
Okedoke blog, I guess I'm over and out. Talk to you later.
p.s. OBAMA/BIDEN 2008!!!!! I wonder if they'll march in this years Labor Day parade?

Posted by
9:13 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
More Videos
Here are some more videos for you to enjoy... this first one is from when we were in Seattle and Henry and Jocelyn played together at the piano...
And here is someone else playing that same piano!
Posted by
2:46 PM
Labels: Videos
Monday, August 18, 2008
Love Today
Here is a video we made this weekend for you. Enjoy.
Posted by
8:39 AM
Labels: Videos
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I will now write about ...
... not knowing what to write about.
Or having much to write about, I find it hard to finally sit down and hammer it out. But for you dear reader? I will make the effort.
First of all, a big fat Happy Birthday to my niece Cassidy on this, her 16th birthday! Can you believe it?!?!?! Cassidy is 16. WOW. It was really great to have her and her BFF Woolie (aka Woolio) stay at our house all last week. I say that without irony. It really was great. Happy Birthday!
Second of all, Katie and Carl and Kurt and Natalie were here over the weekend! What fun we had. When I get off my lazy butt I will post some of the pictures. I didn't get much, was too busy having fun.
We had a great party here over the weekend. I did a little blending with the guest list and had a handful of good friends from work join in with the usual suspects plus out of towners and two teenagers. The weather was perfect and we had most of the party out on the deck.
I sure do love Katie and her family. It was so great to share my every day sort of life with her. For the past several years, the only time we see each other is when I've been visiting out in Seattle. So Katie had never actually been to my house before - just my folks and my sisters! And to finally get to know Carl and spend time with Kurt and Natalie (whom I think had as much fun this weekend as the rest of us!)
I must interject here to warn all my loyal readers who happened to have small children in the house over the weekend: I'm thinking maybe Henry has that coxsackie virus??? We have most of the symptoms, but none of the actual medical advice. Will be bringing Henry to the vet, I mean doctor (lol) tomorrow I predict! Sorry in advance!
Speaking of animals being brought to the vet, Jim is coming right along! Now that the drive to bump and grind against any surface has been removed from his body, he is adopting more pleasant behaviors. The last couple nights he has been coming and going as he pleases in the night, and he always retires to his crate when he wants to get some sleep. In the morning he comes up on the bed for cuddles and hanging out. This morning I woke to see him on his back, crashed out between us. Was sweet. He still isn't the kind of dog who gives a big happy sigh as he settles in nice and heavy against your side, and he could wag his tail more often without getting yelled at for it. But we're getting there! These things take time.
What else is going on... school starts very soon! Henry starts 3rd grade on Wednesday, August 27. Maggie has one more year of preschool, then she goes into kindergarten next year, oh my! Yesterday I played a little mind game on her, fed her a bit of her own medicine, whining about wanting to hang out and cuddle with her. Her eyebrows shot up and she smiled, "Mom... I'm trying to watch my show!" she sang. "I'm right here with you. Here. I'll do this." And she put her little hand on my arm and went back to her show. cute.
Holy smokes did you see the Opening Ceremonies? OMG omg omg. Where can I get some video of that? Why didn't I 'keep until I delete' it on my tivo? Please hold. I will now search for links.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Date Night!
Today Cassidy and her BFF Woolie sat with the kids so Jeff and I could go out to dinner. SO NICE!!!! We went to Aqua Bistro, sat outside, it was lovely. Jeff and I talked about work and computers, among other things. Sounds boring, but was actually very interesting for both parties.
Hey special shout out to my gal Serah! Guess that little guest blogging stint of yours did the trick! The old grey goose got a ring on hah fingah! Congratulations Serah and Aaron on their recent engagement. I love you Sssssserah. mer.
Jim is recovering. He sure is a different dog from others I've owned. Very quiet, sort of p.o'd, but dignified about the Elizabethan Collar. I am curious to see how the nutjob changes him up.
I still miss Kerm.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Short and sweet.
This weekend I have been cleaning the house in preparation for a very busy week. a series of house guests arriving Monday and culminating in 8 xtra people sleeping over on Saturday! (Katie and her family arrive on friday, and our family from Maine Monday and Wednesday.) and a party here at the house on Saturday night.
Oh! And Jim the dog gets his nuts chopped off on Monday.
Posted by
8:34 AM