Henry and I marched in the Labor Day parade with Barack Obama on Monday! I even got to shake the man's hand! He was very casual and warm and friendly, full of energy and charisma. A total rock star.

This is the crowd that was set up to walk behind him. The organizers had created big homemade letters that spelled out "OBAMA 08" and I got to wear the final "A" and Henry was the space between the name and the years, and as a result, we literally led the pack! Henry can be found in the front of the crowd of people in this picture. Can you spot him?

The man himself pressing the flesh with those of us marching with him...

This is probably the best picture of many I took over my shoulder. There had been a lot of confusion at the start of the parade regarding where the letters ought to be. In front of Obamas car, behind it, between his car and the secret service SUV's (the secret service agents weren't crazy about that), up ahead in front of the car, etc. etc. Very confusing and a lot of shouting and running into position at the start.

Ultimately we ended up leading Obamas car, and it was very cool. We shouted various OBAMA specific chants (Henry really enjoyed that part) and basically led the way. At different points, Obama would hop out of the car and go shake hands with the crowd and we would have to stop and wait for things to move again.

This is us coming around the Oval in Milford. CROWDS of people. Obama was like a rock star, I tell you. People would totally surround him, tons of news camera and press following his every move. It was pretty incredible to be a part of.

And here is just one view of the crowds of people that came out to see us. Do you recognize anyone?!
It was a great day, so fun to be a part of something big like that. And to share it with Henry. That kid didn't complain once, and let me tell you, there was a lot of sitting around under the broiling sun! I was so proud of the high quality of his companionship that I promised him ice cream after, PLUS $10! That kid is terrific. I know he loved being a part of the excitement and leading the whole thing off (we lucked out carrying those letters, let me tell you) and seeing other kids he knew while we were on the parade route. He is a great kid.