Monday, September 03, 2007

New Cozy Room

Here we have the latest version of the cozy room. Moved the TV back to the living room, pulled the red couch out and brought in one of the (two) twin beds I had out on the porch. This is where my momma will sleep!

I'm most excited about my sewing corner. I'm hoping that by containing myself in the corner I'll accomplish two important things: 1. my sewing related flotsam and jetsum (thread, scraps, pins, etc.) will be better isolated and not wreck the whole room. 2. little visitors to my sewing corner might be more inclined to stay where I want them (around the perimeter of the sewing corner please!) I also like how I can see out both windows now, and my desk can be accessed from both sides, which will be great for cutting. I need a full sized ironing board, and to throw the doors back on the whole ball of wax and then that oughta do it!

1 comment:

Lanie said...

Susie - Nice! I like!