Friday, November 09, 2007


Goodness gracious what a week. I have made it to Friday! My house is a pit, my laundry is piled up, I have a busy weekend as well, but at least I'm taking Monday off work! That's the goal, get to Monday...

Maggie is really missing her daddy! We all really notice his absence in the mornings, when he is always around usually. The evenings can still make sense when Jeff isn't home, but the morning, it just doesn't make sense! Lots of whining and whimpering and very fearful of shadows and being left alone while in the house. :-( I guess her Daddy really makes her feel safe!

Henry is doing great, what a wonderful fellow he is. Last night my friend Bob watched the kids so I could get out for a couple hours, and I had told the kids that they could have a sleepover in my bed once we got hom. Henry said, on our way to Bob's house, "I feel like the luckiest kid in town! I'm going over to my best friend's house, but my best friend won't be there, I had corndogs for dinner, tapioca pudding for desert, I have new pokemon cards, I don't have school tomorrow AND I get to sleep in your bed tonight!"

There's a teachers conference today, so Henry is at the daycare all day today. He was laying in (my) bed this morning, whimpering about how it is supposed to be a long weekend for him, boo hoo, etc. I admitted to him that this is one of those times where I wish I hadn't gone back to work. Quick as a flash he assured me, "At least I have two days off..."

Then at drop off, I was feeling sort of overwhelmed because the ladies there don't exactly pitch in to get the kids settled, so I was sort of running all around and feeling funny/guilty by the lack of warmish welcome, Henry having to ask, "Where do I put my stuff?" to the ladies. Small feelings of guilt and doubt about what am I doing making my kid sit in day care so I can come here and click and drag, but not exactly wanting to stay home with a whimpering three year old all day either. Oy. Made me well up and almost start crying as I headed out the door. No fun.

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