Monday, September 10, 2007

Money CAN buy happiness!

...if by happiness you mean satellite television!

we flipped the switch to the boob toob pipe back on yesterday. It feels great to have options again for watching TV again, although I wish I didn't have to actually be at work paying for the dang thing. Here I am at my desk, when I could be home rotting in front of the television! Oh well. That's the way it goes, I guess.

This weekend we went to Canobie Lake Park as part of a end of summer thing thingie at Jeff's work. It was real fun, although real hot. The heat always zaps me of my energy. The kids had fun though. Henry was up for riding the most jarring ride possible, and Maggie enjoyed the little kiddie rides best. She was a trouper and joined us on the Boston Tea Party, which is a short log flume like ride, with a big wet splashy finish. We all went on as a family, and it was so cute to see her little body crammed in between Jeff and Henry. WHAT AN ADORABLE FAMILY WE ARE.

My mom arrives tomorrow morning! I am so excited to lay eyes on her, even more thrilled to have her in my home! Can't wait to see you momma!


Anonymous said...

...and I can't wait to get there!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I have not been to Canobie in ages!!! Hey my pics from Curtis Farm came out good. I say good, others think great. But it is in the eye of the beholder. Doesn't it bite that you have to work to have things??? So what channels do you get, I am coming over! lol.

Katie said...

Sattelite? What's that? Do they have that on the West coast? I'm kidding! Congrats on feeding your entertainment jones. I hope you have a FABulous time with the Mama and I eagerly await grandmotherly pics on the blog! Smooches to all!