Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Let the Pokemon begin!

Henry is beginning the Pokemon trading craze with his friends at school. It's been cute to listen to his plans for total domination of the Pokemon world. This morning he said that he had been going to trade two of one kind of cards for one of another but that he couldn't find those two cards so what he was going to do is trade THREE of a third kind of card to a different boy, who in turn would trade him the original two he needed to trade for the one, most important card of the day. Then he found the two cards he'd misplaced and happily scrapped the backup plan he'd put in place.

We have little plastic bags that are made to fit trading cards of this nature, so I gave him some of those to protect the cards he's got. I suggested that one way to build his collection would be to trade empty plastic bags to his friends for cards. Boy you'd a thought he'd figured out a way to print money or something. "You know, you've really given me an idea, mom!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arghhhhh - if I think about the number of Pokemon cards I either threw away or sucked up my vacumn cleaner because they were left somewhere it would drive me crazy. Who knew they would still be going strong all these years later and now Henry is into them? I could of sent him BOXES and BOXES of the things!!! Kind of like the Barbie doll's we trashed with one experiment or another, now probably worth big bucks! Oh well, enjoy the Pokemon craze - it's one of many to enjoy throughout the years! Power to Pikachu!!! -Dian