Oh blog! I write to you from a hotel in Lexington, Mass. We have TV, but we have no working remote for it. We have WiFi, but we have no Jeff with us to enjoy it. I don't know how the pioneers did it with no power in their shanty, having to climb out of bed to change channels, reading newspapers. p'shaw!
We lost power around 10pm on Thurday night. Friday, no work. no school. It was crazy, crazy crazy ice covered gorgeousness. I took pictures, but robbed my camera to put the AA batteries to better use (or so I thought) powering a (useless) little radio I found. I'll post 'em later, you can bet on it.
Driving around today felt apocoloyptic. Like a crazy wonderland gone all wrong. Huge trees snapped in half, leaning against wires. Wires on the ground to drive over. Just crazy. Pictures forthcoming.
We have this room tonight and tomorrow, but Jeff and Jim aren't here. Jeff had been waiting for a call from Matt about keeping pipes from freezing and was going to head down here after us. But it turns out the best way to keep pipes from freezing is not to simply drain them and meet your family at a hotel for a hot shower and dinner. Easier to simply keep the fire going in the woodstove. So he's staying put.
We were already nearly here when we got the call that he and Jim would not be forthcoming. I'm not sure if we'll stay another night or come home tomorrow to be with Jeff. They (you know, those guys) are saying we may not have power in our town until mid week! Anyway, Henry is feeling crappy. I think it's because he's not eaten anything in a long time and had nearly zero water while sitting in front of the wood stove the last two days straight. Dehydration.
I am not sure what this means for my job, as the company is located in the same town. I am irritated with the whole situation.
Silver lining #1. I started reading (aloud) "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. They had a winter that lasted from October all the way to May! We have been enjoying this book and intend to finish it, I'm sure.
Silver lining #2. The Flynns loaned me their shower today. Thanks Flynns!
Silver lining #3. tbd
Okay we are off in search of dinner and evenings entertainment. Bye for now!
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