Friday, January 09, 2009

PK on the street

Patrick is an old friend of ours, from way back. He lives in (and comes from) Duvall, Washington. We had heard that back there is FUBAR. He forwarded me this picture:

This picture is of a bridge over 124th Street. If you come down Novelty Hill road from Redmond then this is the road/bridge you'd cross to get to Hwy 203. Northbound 203 goes to Duvall then Monroe. Southbound goes to Carnation and onto Fall City then I-90.

Jeff asked him:

Hey Pat, is DU-vall reconnected to civilization yet? How long before you start fighting your neighbors over the dwindling food supplies?

And he said:
I tell you Gilligan there's no way off the island!: Right now all the roads are cut off. Monroe road should open up by tomorrow. We hope the Woodinville-Duvall rd is open by Monday. Road to Carnation and Fall City should be open later today...

Then sent us these:

Yowzer! Stay dry PK!

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