Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekend Update

This is a little something I made this weekend. Lascia gave me a ton of sparkly beads and they are so yummy to look at, I had to do something with them. It’s a spider, in case you hadn’t figured it out yet. The black blob is supposed to be a mouth, but I nudged it befor it dried and now it’s more of a black blob. Oh well.

This weekend was pretty good! On Saturday Lascia and her daughter Emily came over for some ornament making, and then Jeff and Henry went to a Manchester Monarchs ice hockey game on Saturday night. At first Henry didn’t want to go. He can be like a dog who hates to take a bath when it’s time to leave the house. A real homebody, he. But they went and had fun.

I asked Sean and Christine from down the road to watch Maggie for me on Saturday night and went out for a drink with Lascia and Bob and some friends of theirs. For Lascia’s 30th birthday celebration. Very good times. Lots of laughing and growing closer. So good to make new friends! I love it.

Sunday morning, we went to cut down our Christmas tree. We go every year with Matt and Nicole. Nicole’s belly is really growing! She’s either further along than she thinks, grows huge babies right from the start, or has more than one in there. My goodness! What a gorgeous pregnant woman she is. My camera was dead, so no pictures. boo...

The hard drive on Jeff's laptop died, so he and Maggie headed out to Nashua to get another one yesterday. When they got home, Henry and I gave her the kind of warm welcome she gives any of us when we come home. Lots of celebrating and hugs and kisses and cheers, etc. She loved it. At one point she looked up at Jeff as if to say, "are you seeing this?!" That girl is super cute.

Okedoke, I have a gazillion things to do so I'd better run. I need to carve out a specific time of day when I work on entries for this blog, because believe it or not, I have a lot to say, if given the chance! I think about all the topics I'd like to pontificate on, and then when I actually get a minute to post, I invariably end up coughing out a giant wad of "did this, plan to do that, here's a pic of this, hope that happens, oop, gotta go!" and leave it at that.

one other pic. Lascia gave me a bookcase they don't need anymore, so after I painted up the downstairs hallway last week, I incorporated it into the area opposite the former birdcage. I really like the idea of a table and a lamp and a mirror in that room, but I want to ultimately upgrade everything you see in this picture. But I like what I've got going as far as a proof of concept, you know? And I was able to get halfway to the goal without spending any money, just pulling pieces from here and there. So that's good.

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