Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Henry ROCKS!


Katie said...

I love so many things about this video, but here are my tops:
Maggie "accidentally" in the frame, wagging her cute little mermaid-covered butt.
Henry's uber-serious I Am a Rocker look.
And my most favorite - the Rocker Hands at the end!

I updated my blog, BTW.


Anonymous said...

OMG that is too cute! My favorite part is watching his face as he concentrates to hit each note. His mouth moves in the most unusual ways. Too cute for words... I can't wait until his cousins visit, they wil have a whale of a time rockin it out. All 3 of them should be experts at the game by then! Brandon leads the pack at our house with a '350 note streak'... you serious gamers know what that means (my top note streak sits at a lowly 45 or so... more practice required)! Love the video, keep 'em coming! Dian