Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy day after Thanksgiving

oh boy was yesterday a rip snorter! yowzer.

or, should I say, rip snore-er. SO SO QUIET yesterday. We did the whole thanksgiving dinner thing, even ate nice and early in the day, too. but it was just the four of us, and so quiet. Growing up in a large family, I am familiar with loud, busy turkey days. So I guess on some level nice and quiet holidays feel like a "failure" or something. Even though I know it's not, it's not it's not it's not. It's funny how our 'old brain' works - that part of our brain that stores those assumptions about what something should be like because that's what it was like when we were growing up. when they don't match up, it's tricky to recall that the mismatch doesn't mean the new way is wrong, just different.

I remember when jeff and I first got together and we were still living in seattle and so had one of those holidays of hopping back and forth between his family and my families celebrations. We went over to my sisters house and the place was rocking, full of people and music and shouting and laughing and talking and eating. Then to his folks house and things were so quiet and calm and peaceful. I remember really feeling the difference and being like, "oh man. where's the party?!" Jeff's family was thoroughly enjoying themselves, I had been sort of climbing the walls, looking for excitement. Now I understand and really appreciate that potential for relaxing and enjoying the calm that comes with smaller affiars. but I do love a party also!

anyway. Christmas will be good times, as Jeff's folks are coming for the holiday, and also Lanie and her family, too. It's always so fun to see Maggie and Nora together, last year they had matching nightgowns to wear on christmas eve. I also really love and look forward to hanging out late at night with lanie and phil and jeff, all of us grownups getting everything ready to go for christmas morning. I'm glad Frank and Maxine have decided to brave the winter weather so they can share in that with us this ear. GOOD TIMES ahead.

also, I decided to give the advent calendar to my folks. Of course my parents ought to get it, if I'm going to give it away, right? nobody treasures a handmade craft like it's makers mother. am I right? :-)

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