Thursday, November 16, 2006

It's like Maggie's new best friend just learned to drive.

maggie just discovered this adorable hippo backpack hanging in her bedroom today. it's a hand me down from her brother, who got it from his great aunt Marie I believe. She likes to fill her arms with her little friends, and then can't make it up or down the stairs. this is the best of both worlds! a friend who can carry all her friends around!

and look at her here. I asked her to smile and got the first picture, then I said, "open your eyes!" and got the second. She has made me laugh a couple times today. Earlier she sat up and said, "look out night night!" and began to swing her bunny around fast and furious. complete with full on rebel yells thru out. I had to laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so cute of Maggie. I love them both, especially since you mentioned the comment to smile! Say, I think you're done with nap time, lady. She wants to be in the world full time during the day.