Sunday, November 12, 2006

A perfect day for laying around

My goodness is the weather just perfect for the type of day I am enjoying. it's been cold seeming and foggy and rainy all day. At least that's been the view from my window, as I haven't stepped foot outside since arriving home from a party late last night. And this morning I got out of bed at nearly 11:30! That doesn't happen more than a few times per year, sleeping in like that. It was fantastic.

My girlfriend Heather had a Wildtree Herb party last night at her house, and let me tell you, it was really fun. I took my new girlfriend Lascia with me, and we had a great time. Wildtree Herbs is a Spice and Herb blend company, very good stuff. What's cool about these parties is that the sales rep lady cooks up a bunch of food and dips from the product line, so you can actually get fed. The stuff is real yummy.

I didn't listen to the pitch, having been lucky enough to seat myself out in the overflow room (there was quite a turnout). But I've heard it all before. Why is it the sales pitch ladies always regale you with stories about how it was that they came to be a sales pitch lady? Or dragging a minor detail about shipping costs or something into a 5 minute presentation filler? Anyways. No biggie. I wasn't really there for the sales pitch lady.

The afterparty was very good times. A family we all grew close to that recently moved to Connecticut were in town and staying at Heathers, so we all got a chance to reconnect. That was the best part. And so terrific to bring Lascia, introduce her to all those folks. Henry had a Cub Scout Pack Meeting last night, so Jeff took he and Maggie to that while I went to this party.

Henry and Jeff are seeing a movie right now. "Flushed Away" it's called. About a mouse who gets flushed down the toilet. Hilarious, I'm sure.

oh, and p.s.! I finally got my haircut on Friday, yahoo! There was a woman at the party, Jill, who raved and raved about the cut. "I'm gonna put you in my blog!" I told her. So there. Thanks Jill!

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